Living Shakespeare
Othello Production Notes

Othello Production Notes

WhatsApp Image 2023-03-07 at 11.55.06 AM


Humanity’s Tragedy

From our shared conversations it’s becoming clear that the ‘Tragedy of Othello’ is more than a portrayal of social, racial, or gender division. Our play presents, more and more, as the tragedy of humanity.

That is, when we love not, chaos comes again.

Here is T. McAlindon on the numerous levels of tragedy within our play: ‘One of the subtle aspects in the design of the play is the way its varied and vividly contrasted characters, both male and female, reveal a network of similarities that emphasize the shared nature of tragedy. Cassio and Othello are just two characters to share common tragic flaws; flaws which lead them directly into Iago’s plot.

‘Similarly, Emilia is integral to the overall tragedy insofar as it is a tragedy that turns on deceit. Her love for her mistress is such that she finally feels bound to speak the truth in defiance of Iago, but it’s taken this tragedy to rouse her. Without her deliberate lie to Desdemona about the lost handkerchief, and her calculated silence in a subsequent scene, the tragedy might never have happened.’*

McAlindon concludes, ‘Othello is assuredly more at fault that anyone except Iago, but no one is faultless in relation to the tragic sequence of events.’

(* More on Emilia’s character arc and her motivation: )


The Combat of Love, Doubt, & Tragedy
In Shakespeare, much is made of the subtlety and refinement language and his grasp of human nature, and rightly so. But I believe, what’s most accessible in Shakespeare is his relationships.

Where our Othello is most alive is in the quality of your relationships. Through your characters and their relationships, we get to witness humanity at play. And in these relationships beats the heart and soul of the play.

Dear cast, as you revise your lines this week, what you’re really preparing is the ground for combat - the combat of love, doubt and tragedy - the combat of genuine relationship.

Please keep up the good work, and let’s bring these qualities to life with our Avalon audiences.

WhatsApp Image 2023-02-21 at 1.20.50 PM